Drop off and Pick up

You are responsible for your child up to the start of and immediately upon release from gymnastics class. Preschool children need to be walked out of class. 

Pick Up

For pick up, children need to wait inside or outside on the sidewalk in front of the building to be picked up. No playing or wandering outside. They should never go into the parking area to wait to be picked up, go near the road, or try to walk home. Please be on time to pick up your child. If you are late, your child must come back into the building and inform us, so that we can contact you. This can be very distressing for the child and interrupts the next class, or if classes are over, a coach has to wait with the child. Multiple times we have had to wait up to 45 minutes for a parent. Please be on time to pick up your child. All of these policies are for your child's safety.

Consistently coming unreasonably late to pick up your child may result in a fee or dismissal. 

Gymnastics Building Driveway 

Please only use the circle right in front of the gymnastics building for drop off and pick up and follow the enter and exit signs. For drop off, stay on the left side and pull all the way up in line with the door before you stop. For pick up, line up on the right side along the white fence and leave the left side open for drop off and exiting. Please do not block the area in front of the house garage doors.


For parking, please park along the wire fence on the east, in the middle, and in the gravel on the west. Do not park on the concrete in front of the house garage doors or in the drop off circle.